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Emeis Global Pathfinder Apollo13: Heal & Find True North

Embark on a magical journey with us, discover your superpowers, and fulfill your true potential. Get ready to feel great again, young adventurer!

Course Summary

“After an explosion occurred on board the spacecraft en route to the Moon at 55:54:53 (03:07 UTC on April 14, 1970),Jack Swigert, the command module pilot, reported to Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas: "Okay, Houston ... we've had a problem here."
Apollo 13, a NASA mission meant to land on the Moon but became a fight for survival to land back safely to Earth. 

Welcome to Apollo 13: Mission Impossible to Land Back Safely on Planet Earth after an Unforeseen Life-Threatening Crisis! Meet the Apollo 13 Team, your guides on this thrilling adventure from space back to Earth, where your loved ones await your safe return. Brace yourselves, adventurers, for an exhilarating journey over the next 5 sprints. With the GROW coaching model as your compass, each sprint unfolds life's lessons, empowering you to conquer challenges, fortify resilience, and unveil your true potential. 

Objective: Navigate through Crucibles, Rediscover Your Superpowers and Passions, and Find Your True North for inner peace, joy, and purpose in life. Summary: This spirited program is crafted to nurture your well-being through captivating activities and lively discussions. From decoding emotions to forging healthy habits, every sprint unveils a unique facet of personal development. As part of the Apollo 13 Team, you'll chart your strengths, set visionary goals, enhance communication prowess, and embark on a Hero's Journey toward unparalleled excellence. Prepare for the thrilling landing back to Earth and join us on this transformative adventure to rediscover yourself and find inner peace and joy! Embrace the journey as "Be Leaders" in the transition from Have/Money/Growth/Death to Be/3BottomLine/Degrowth/Life. 

Course Curriculum

Barbora Pazderova

Barbora is a seasoned business leader with 20 years of experience, specializing in strategic planning, change management, and sustainability across global industries. As the Founder and Global Director of Emeis Global, an impact-driven innovation hub, Barbora spearheads Emeis2Learn, an initiative fostering future-proofed capabilities in leadership and digital transformation. Within Emeis2Learn, there is an additional focus on providing support through crucibles, identifying life-traps, and helping create healthier coping mechanisms to thrive in life, regardless of external circumstances. Barbora's overarching goal is to create a better world by nurturing the next generation of purposeful and authentic leaders, driving sustainability and resilience on a global scale, and supporting organizations through Emeis2Consult to build future-proofed capabilities in innovation and change management.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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